Fe-brew-ary and a Jar of Rocks

Been brewing lots of coffee lately just to stay warm and alert! The lowest temperature I saw over the last two weeks was -19F (-28C). our house - north side facing southeast driving back from my job in Bayard by my Gering job - just 1 min. W of gma's It was very pretty but my car gave me the whole, "ain't no way I'ma start in this cold" spiel, so I'm glad it's warmer out and I don't have to worry when I go out at 6:30 in the morning about whether my car will start. :) What's been going on externally: Outside of the weather, this past month my Uncle got married, my parents and brother went to Colombia for 10 days, my nephew went to the hospital for 5 days with pneumonia and is mostly recovered now, my brother-in-law spent two weeks training in Kansas City, I've filled out and submitted my nursing school application, and I've officially saved enough money to be about one month ahead on my college payments. Next up is f...