Status: Delayed
Here in this post are the statuses I put on Facebook that represent some of the things I feel God has been teaching me lately. There were things I also learned which I did not get around to posting on social media. Those will no doubt come up over time, but for now, I found these enjoyable to ponder afresh. Thanks for reading them. :) December 6, 2015: A thought on food (sorta): "...and give us this day our daily bread..." The Word of God is like daily bread to the Christ-follower. Sometimes, though, I am ashamed that I can go so long neglecting to eat it. But it's like, I've been given the tools to really dive in all proper-like. I have the three different forks and spoons and I know which one to grab to start experiencing the fullness of the feast. So why don't I? I think it's because I feel like all I have time for is a quick hotpocket which contains only a little bit of real meat and then a whole lotta processed goodies. The hotpocket's not bad, of...