
Showing posts from April, 2013

Men of the Ark

Possible album inspiration? ...that is, if one were to attempt to record an album... :D


Sadly it's been over a year since my last blog update, so consider this my Christmas Letter Edition where I do a brief catch-up of the last year just to keep everyone up to speed on life. *April 2012 - My nephew Eliam Justus was born! *May 2012 - I graduated from NTBI! Other highlights included Wayumi retreat with my senior class, a day trip to Philly, a DRAMA banquet and homeschool graduation *June 2012 - Wedding season:) and back to work with Friendship Community *July 2012 - Extra hours with FC and many a Friday spent back at the Dragon (Garden of Eden Produce at Green Dragon Farmer's Market) *August 2012 - Totally refreshed and ignited by dropping in at DRAMA's teen week camp in Mifflinburg, PA, great time at DRAMA's family campout, and then began classes at RACC - working on my prerequisites for my BSN! *September 2012 - DRAMA's Training Camp and getting into the flow of classes *October 2012 - Was able to hop down to Virginia to visit my bestie Daniell...