
Sadly it's been over a year since my last blog update, so consider this my Christmas Letter Edition where I do a brief catch-up of the last year just to keep everyone up to speed on life.

*April 2012 - My nephew Eliam Justus was born!
*May 2012 - I graduated from NTBI! Other highlights included Wayumi retreat with my senior class, a day trip to Philly, a DRAMA banquet and homeschool graduation
*June 2012 - Wedding season:) and back to work with Friendship Community
*July 2012 - Extra hours with FC and many a Friday spent back at the Dragon (Garden of Eden Produce at Green Dragon Farmer's Market)
*August 2012 - Totally refreshed and ignited by dropping in at DRAMA's teen week camp in Mifflinburg, PA, great time at DRAMA's family campout, and then began classes at RACC - working on my prerequisites for my BSN!
*September 2012 - DRAMA's Training Camp and getting into the flow of classes
*October 2012 - Was able to hop down to Virginia to visit my bestie Danielle! Weather was g o r g e o u s. And Josh and Michelle moved in with us! Love having a sister in the house again:)
*November 2012 - Made a visit back to NTBI and loved it, was able to do a brief mime workshop with my kids from Ganson St. Baptist while in MI, then a great Thanksgiving with the fam and friends
*December 2012 - Traveled to Nebraska for a sweet time hanging with my spunky grandmother Bettie, baking up a storm with La and the kids, and some good ol' comedy tour with Ben and La in the evenings. Christmas we had most of the kids home and enjoyed a good round of stomach flu during the annual DRAMA/Young Adult's all-nighter. yay. haha
*January 2013 - Niece Charis Eirene entered the world! Launched accountability groups for our Friday Night Bible Study crew. Huge blessing:) and enjoyed some retreat/conferences at church as well
*February 2013 - The planning month. Lots of DRAMA workdays prepping for the Spring session, meetings at church to launch small/study groups, congregational meeting looking forward to the exciting year ahead of hiring a permanent pastor and enlisting a new youth director, and filming for the next DRAMA promo video.
*March 2013 - DRAMA's Training Camp, and then ventured out to NTBI again got to do another brief mime workshop with my kids from Ganson:) They can't seem to get rid of me there:) Also got recertified for CPR and First Aid even though my certification is still good for another year. Just needed to grab some training hours:) Spring Break!!
*April 2013- Turned 23! Wrapping up some final projects for school and beginning to make plans for next semester. I've received my acceptance letter and scholarship award letter for WNCC in Scottsbluff, NE where I hope to attend starting this fall. Josh and Michelle have decided to stick around for a while and raise their kids here for a couple years and have begun looking into housing options.

So there you have it. Year-in-a-minute update. I could have written so much more, but the really important things are not about what I have done, but rather are about what God has done/is doing/will do. I feel like this last year has been full learning to grasp God's great grace (isn't every year full of that?). In particular I've been learning how to give extra grace to someone in light of what they're going through or have just been through, how to give grace by allowing room for growth in a person, how to gracefully reprove one another in faithful accountability, and how to humbly accept God's grace when I trip over my own shoelaces. Wonderful grace of Jesus, greater than all my sin. How shall my tongue describe it, where shall its praise begin?:)

**COMING UP: I'm planning on hopefully heading back to Scotland at the end up this summer and then I am moving out to Nebraska for the remainder of my journey towards achieving my BSN! In preparation for Scotland, I am brainstorming all kinds of creative fundraising ideas. Be on the lookout for a possible epic Backyard Benefit Concert! And prayers are appreciated concerning my search for affordable housing options in Nebraska, ability to do well academically - it gets harder from here on out, and for direction each step of the way as to what happens next after Nursing school.

Thanks to anyone who actually read the update!
Jessi King


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