Remember November

What did I say to the trick-or-treaters that crossed my path this year? Nothing! Because I dressed as a mime for Halloween.... like I do every year:) While my costume maybe demonstrates a lack of effort as it required no effort to decide on, put together, and accomplish, the rest of my life this past month has been just the opposite. Much of my time in fact has been spent on decisions, getting things together, and accomplishments. Some of the many decisions I made were about work. After 2 months of unemployment, I'm blessed to now be doubly employed! I work just 4 hours a week for Community Home Care and then several more hours Monday through Friday for Region 1 Office of Human Development, an organization a lot like Friendship Community where I worked in Pennsylvania but minus the Christian affiliation. It feels good to have an income again, especially as the school bills keep rolling in. I had to also decide to pass on a cleaning job at the hospital, but I feel really...