Remember November

What did I say to the trick-or-treaters that crossed my path this year? Nothing! Because I dressed as a mime for Halloween.... like I do every year:)

While my costume maybe demonstrates a lack of effort as it required no effort to decide on, put together, and accomplish, the rest of my life this past month has been just the opposite. Much of my time in fact has been spent on decisions, getting things together, and accomplishments.

Some of the many decisions I made were about work. After 2 months of unemployment, I'm blessed to now be doubly employed! I work just 4 hours a week for Community Home Care and then several more hours Monday through Friday for Region 1 Office of Human Development, an organization a lot like Friendship Community where I worked in Pennsylvania but minus the Christian affiliation. It feels good to have an income again, especially as the school bills keep rolling in. I had to also decide to pass on a cleaning job at the hospital, but I feel really content with the jobs I have now. I love the people I serve and so far am surviving the new schedules.

I really enjoyed having my dad here for a week in the middle of this past month! He helped drive a friend back to Cheyenne,WY, and then stayed with us for a week. It was so fun just  having him around to see our usual routines around here. We were able to accomplish a lot of great things while he was here - things like changing the oil on my car, making our hobo party a hit with some great singing, and visiting Grandma a bunch. Ok, almost all of those things only Dad did, we both felt really accomplished as a result. :) I really loved having him here:)

Now is the time I start getting things together not only for next semester, but also for next fall! The deadlines for getting into the nursing program at UNMC are sneaking up quickly. I'd love prayer that If God wants me in this fall that He will help carry me through my courses with excellence and that I would be accepted into the limited enrollment, and if His time-table is different than mine, pray that I'd be able to see what it is He'd have me do instead.

Something else I've been getting together lately is material to write my first news article on! If things come together well, it looks like I be writing for the school paper, The Spectator, from time to time over the next year. There's a possibility there might even be a scholarship in it for me, but I'm not certain about that part yet. I'm looking forward to it as, obviously, I enjoy a bit of writing every now and then:)

Next time I post I'm hoping to be able to share a little but more about what God's been putting on my heart lately, but for now suffice it to say - I'm humbled by this faithful God. All the time.

Till then, God's peace be with you!



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