
Showing posts from December, 2013

Christmas break!

Brief update for December - I finished the semester alive and satisfied with my grades! Now onto chasing down books for next semester and applying for nursing school. I'm hoping to have my application submitted by January 1st, so I've been spending my Christmas break chasing down transcripts and all other necessary paperwork like a dog chases little children with food in their hands. I am registered for next semester! Another 17 credit hours and then I'm done with my prerequisites for nursing school! I did not get the scholarship I applied for so I think I'll stick to the courses I've signed up for and try not to get too involved in extra activities so that I can continue working 20+ hr/wk I've been able to work so far. I'm still helping with AWANA and I volunteered to help teach 2&3's children's church occasionally. If possible I'm going to try to continue writing for the school paper, but so far I've not had much time to devote to i...

Scotland Report

It is well past time I should be writing about my trip to Scotland this past August. I'm sure I could think of a thousand excuses for the delay, but let me be clear that "I just didn't care much" is not one of the excuses. I am greatly appreciative of the support and encouragement I received in preparation for my trip. I am deeply aware that I am surrounded by an amazing family in Christ:) Christmas is a great time to reflect, so I hope that if you've a already heard a report on the trip that hearing about it again will only be a great reminder of the faithfulness of our God and the exciting work He is doing around the globe. As I reread my journal to refresh my memory for this report, my heart just swelled as I recalled all the things I was able to experience over there. So many meaningful friendships were built, so much growth was experienced, God's Word was readily received, and so many people's faith was reignited - my own included. When my t...