Christmas break!

Brief update for December -

I finished the semester alive and satisfied with my grades! Now onto chasing down books for next semester and applying for nursing school. I'm hoping to have my application submitted by January 1st, so I've been spending my Christmas break chasing down transcripts and all other necessary paperwork like a dog chases little children with food in their hands.

I am registered for next semester! Another 17 credit hours and then I'm done with my prerequisites for nursing school! I did not get the scholarship I applied for so I think I'll stick to the courses I've signed up for and try not to get too involved in extra activities so that I can continue working 20+ hr/wk I've been able to work so far. I'm still helping with AWANA and I volunteered to help teach 2&3's children's church occasionally. If possible I'm going to try to continue writing for the school paper, but so far I've not had much time to devote to it. It's tricky to write over Christmas break because student to interview are harder to come by, but it's tricky to write during the semester because I have less available time to give to interviews and writing assignments. I'm sure the key to making it happen is determination, so I'm working on mustering some up.

Many people have asked if I'm going home for Christmas, and I am not. I'm excited to have my very first Christmas in Nebraska even though it's sad not to be with my PA family this year. Thank the Lord for video calls!! I'm hoping to be able to back to PA in May or June (or both). I've been trying to lay the guilt-trips on thick on all of my siblings to get them to come out and visit, so who knows maybe we'll get lots of visitors throughout this next year :)

The end. Go enjoy the Christmas season with your family and friends! I'll try not to steal anymore of your time by making you feel obligated to read blogs:)


  1. I am sorry you didn't get the scholarship. Actually, amazed is more the appropriate word. However, I am confident that God will continue to give you all that you need, whether by a strengthened hand or by the graciousness of others. In all, He will be praised and you will be blessed.


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