Black & White & a Golden Calf
I recently have been noticing my tendency to black-and-whitenize things. Specifically I do this to my tasks and ideas. I like to post about what I've been up to and then separately post about what I've been learning. But really, what I keep busy with has everything to do with what God's been teaching me lately. I'll try to do better at integrating these two from now on:) So, over the last month a whirlwind of activity has passed through my life. My brain can hardly keep up with it all some days - But thank the Lord for Coffee, a wonderful brain stimulant. :) Since my last post, I have submitted my nursing application and classes have started back up. It has been almost literally insane trying to get everything together for my nursing app. There have been so many last-minutes rushes, unexpected turns, and out-of-my-control situations - and I'm so thankful for all of these things. I can get so over-confident in myself that I get to thinking the best thing is if I ...