Go West Young Lady

  I'm going to try to start up semi-regular updates again while I'm away at school. Little recap - 12 days I go I was just leaving Scotland where I spent 2 weeks encouraging our Christian friends there and working towards establishing a discipleship & mime-evangelism team with DRAMA Ministry. I could write a whole post on that experience alone. In fact, I will! But not right now. For now, suffice it to say that my mind was blown at how awesome the trip was and I am super excited for what lies ahead there. We left Scotland Wednesday morning, August 14, and, due to mechanical complications with our plane, we didn't arrive home until Thursday 11pm, August 15. I left home to drive 30 hours to Nebraska on Friday, August 16. It was an insane turn around, to put it mildly. I'm generally pretty good at adjusting to different time zones, but 7 time zones in a 3 day period was more than I'd ever done before. Classes started the following Monday.

I'm glad to say that a week later, I finally feel like my body caught up to the right time zone and I think I've finally figured out the general flow of my coursework at college. I'm a little bit of an introvert, so I've been a little slow getting to know people at school, but I've also just been crazy busy adjusting to life in Nebraska and starting school simultaneously. Outside of college, this past week I got to help my friend Summer move into her dorm at Frontier School of the Bible, transferred my vehicle registration to Nebraska, took care of my voter registration, celebrated my dad's birthday, got to see my grandmother, my two uncles, and my aunt, painted my future room, said goodbye to my parents (they drove out with me  Fri&Sat and then flew home on Wednesday), and ordered all my textbooks (and received a few of them in the mail too). Coming up I need to get my NE driver's license and look for a job.

I'm looking forward to feeling more and more at home here everyday and to getting to know more cool people at WNCC! I'm loving getting to be around my sister's family more and my extended family way more than I have ever been able to in my whole life. I'm certain I will cherish these next few years. I've been particularly blessed by the friends that have encouraged me from afar and kept me up to date despite the miles and the craziness of daily life for them and for me. God is good:)

A specific prayer request - I thought I was squared away financially for this next year, but then when I got here I realized that what I thought was a grant from financial aid was actually a loan. Since I'm making it a priority to stay out of debt as long as possible, I'd like to hold off on taking out a loan until I really have to do so. This means I'm not quite as secure financially as I thought I was, but if I'm able to find a job I'll be good to go. Please pray that the Lord would provide the right job to fit with my very full course-load.

As I said above, I'll try to post an update semi regularly. If you'd like to be notified of my updates to keep up with all that God is doing on my journey through nursing school and potentially on to the mission field, please let me know. As much as I ask for prayer, I'd also love to be praying for you! So please let me know if there are any specific ways I can be praying for you:)
Thanks muchly!


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