A week in the life...

Time for an update. My last post shared about what God's been teaching me, this post will be much less interesting. Haha I thought it would be good to just do a quick photo/logo update of what I've been involved with lately. So, without further ado...

Been freaking out a bit about keeping up with classes, but so far I'm getting at least a B in every class and one of my classes ended Friday. So I only have 15 credits to keep up with for the rest of the semester. (hallelujah!!) haha

I've loved being a Sparkies leader at Awana! I'll try to post a picture of the kids & I sometime in our Awana get-up:)

After Awana I head back to school to hang out at "Christian Challenge", the campus Christian club. Right now we're going through Andy Stanley's series "Christian". I've been really enjoying it. If you've get chance, check it out: http://northpoint.org/messages/christian/

I've been running a booth at the Farmer's Market for a guy, Ernie Griffiths, who sells honey and also sells Laura's granola.

<next time I'll have a photo here of Grandma and myself>
I've loved getting to visit with my grandma weekly. All my life I've lived 1600 miles away from my grandparents and I've never been able to just drop by whenever I wanted to, so this has been a really special blessing to me:)

Been applying for jobs for a while now, but last week I finally had not 1, but 3 interviews!! I accepted an on-call position with Community Home Care, I have an interview tomorrow with and organization called Region 1 that serves individuals with developmental disabilities, and I will be finishing up the interview process with a house-keeping position at the hospital on Friday. Please be praying that I would be filled with God's wisdom as I try to choose the right job to meet my financial needs. I often think I know what would be best, but I'm learning that God knows better and sometimes the least expected things can turn out to be our greatest aids in the future. Looking forward to seeing what unfolds as I trust God to lead!

This is a picture of the sun setting over Cochran Lake a mile from where I live. It's one of the best incentives to go for a run I think I've ever had:) haha

Thanks so much for your prayers! I want desperately to keep in contact with people from home and with my friends across the country despite being a very busy lady, so please don't ever hesitate to call and catch up! Even if I don't have much time to talk, I guarantee you it will make my week:) Y'all lift me up so greatly with your friendship and encouragement and I pray that God would give me the opportunities to do the same for you.



  1. Thanks for the pics and update. I am excited about seeing you this weekend at the Hobo party at Laura and Ben's farm.
    Hannah and I will head out on thurs, stay a night at KC w Haynes', and arrive in Wyobraska Friday night.

    1. I'm SO EXCITED!!! I've been telling people they have to come simply because my dad's going to be there. haha I think it's working too! People are getting real excited to come:) Should be awesome!


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