
Showing posts from 2014

"I'm listening, but are you?" - God

In my last post I was trying to make sense of a lot of what seemed to me to be unanswered prayers. I resolved to be thankful for my unmet expectations and I found a good side to every part of the equation. But I wouldn't say that my resolve necessarily resolved every issue. I think the best part of learning to be thankful for those things was that it got me to shut up and stop complaining. haha It reminded me that God is God and I am not, and He is a good God. That's a really great place to be in because I think it allowed me to finally listen to God rather than just talk at Him. So I adjusted back to the landscape of the Great Plains, and found myself some friction right away just to keep things exciting. haha By that I mean, I had been so focused on what God might be teaching me, that I really massively failed to be a minister of His grace to others. I got a little abrasively honest with more than a couple people and then wondered why they responded so poorly. I really am q...

Season's reasons

Something I love about getting a break from school, and in particular the comforts of time off at home, is the opportunity to reflect and get some clarity on life. While home in Pennsylvania, in-between catching up with friends and doing fun things all across the county, I found time to think through this last year I've spent in Nebraska. August 16th marks exactly one year since I picked up as many of my belonging as I could fit in my car and moved to Nebraska. A lot has occurred in that time. I've experienced seasons of blessing and seasons of discouragement. Blessings have come in the form of timely provision and encouragement, and discouragement in the form of unmet expectations. However good or bad though, each season comes to pass, they don't come to stay. This is a comforting reminder as the events preceding my time in PA were pretty discouraging. So as I move on from one season to the next, I am encouraged again to see that the Lord God, as always, has a plan for ea...

Learning to admit "I can't"

So, I realize I haven't updated my blog in several months. I tried multiple times to write an update and consequently I have several drafts of half-thought-out, half-written posts. It's hard to know where to start, but I guess the best way to summarize March, April, and May is to say I've learned that there are some things I simply can't do. It's not that I thought I could do everything. I already am well aware that I can't play sports very well haha and I can't play anything difficult on the piano. Simple tunes only. Instead, I learned that there are things that I am capable of doing but simply cannot do all at the same time. I wanted to write for the school paper, I wanted to work my tail off to pay my bills myself, and I wanted to still keep in touch with all of my friends at the same time. If you picture a juggler juggling, this is that part when the clown is getting ready to throw in one too many balls that will cause everything to fall to the flo...

Fe-brew-ary and a Jar of Rocks

Been brewing lots of coffee lately just to stay warm and alert! The lowest temperature I saw over the last two weeks was -19F (-28C). our house - north side facing southeast driving back from my job in Bayard by my Gering job - just 1 min. W of gma's It was very pretty but my car gave me the whole, "ain't no way I'ma start in this cold" spiel, so I'm glad it's warmer out and I don't have to worry when I go out at 6:30 in the morning about whether my car will start. :) What's been going on externally: Outside of the weather, this past month my Uncle got married, my parents and brother went to Colombia for 10 days, my nephew went to the hospital for 5 days with pneumonia and is mostly recovered now, my brother-in-law spent two weeks training in Kansas City, I've filled out and submitted my nursing school application, and I've officially saved enough money to be about one month ahead on my college payments. Next up is f...

Black & White & a Golden Calf

I recently have been noticing my tendency to black-and-whitenize things. Specifically I do this to my tasks and ideas. I like to post about what I've been up to and then separately post about what I've been learning. But really, what I keep busy with has everything to do with what God's been teaching me lately. I'll try to do better at integrating these two from now on:) So, over the last month a whirlwind of activity has passed through my life. My brain can hardly keep up with it all some days - But thank the Lord for Coffee, a wonderful brain stimulant. :) Since my last post, I have submitted my nursing application and classes have started back up. It has been almost literally insane trying to get everything together for my nursing app. There have been so many last-minutes rushes, unexpected turns, and out-of-my-control situations - and I'm so thankful for all of these things. I can get so over-confident in myself that I get to thinking the best thing is if I ...