August 20, 2011 - "It's the end of the summer already?"

Alright then, ready, set, go! I'm back at school and things are picking up! It was so great to walk in and feel like no time has passed even though it's been 3 months :)

This summer has been completely delightful and I have loved every minute of it. Just a brief recap of the last 3 months: I came home to catch the DRAMA 10th Anniversary Banquet and Nicole (Weaver) and Austin High's wedding. I started working with Friendship Community a week later. The job was a a complete blessing! I loved the staff I worked with and the individuals I served. If you haven't heard of Friendship, check them out ( - it's easier than me describing it. haha So many good times at that job :) Anyways, early June, I became the woman of the house while my mom went out to Alaska for 3 weeks to catch the arrival of my new nephew, Joshua Nathaniel Funk. While she was gone, Tim and Chris were also at camps all summer, so I was not only the woman of the house, but also the dog handler and working roughly 40 hrs a week with Friendship. It was intense! but SO good. It helped me make sure I didn't lose all the discipline and diligence I learned at school. I also went to Kyle and Anne (Taylor) Esbenshade's wedding in July and Kelly (Wise) Bender's wedding in August (I guess this was the summer for weddings - where's mine? jk. seriously jk. haha). I am also glad I was able to be at the Young Adults Bible Study that meets at my house on Friday nights and be part of a great Sunday school class at church with many of the same peeps. It's been so nice to be able to catch up with friends and family over the summer. I feel so blessed by all God has brought into my life in the last year and a half. :)

So nooow, I'm back at school and looking at what they say is going to be the heaviest semester of them all as far as homework goes and I'm also going to be in the tightest place finanically that I've ever been yet. It's going to be a walk of faith and I say, bring it on! God is good and I just trust Him to guide and provide, lead and feed. :) He has been so faithful thus far. I praise Him for that often. And I ask that you praise with me and pray for me. Pray that in the midst of all the things I'll be doing here and experiencing, I'll just be looking to Jesus for what He is teaching me, growing in my relationship with Him, keeping my priorities right and my actions and attitude pure, looking for opportunities to serve on and off campus and be the hands and feet of Christ. May I not get distracted in any way, but soak up all I can in the classes.

I'll do my best to keep y'all updated on things here throughout the semester! Thanks for your love, prayers, and friendship!

Jessica King


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