January 18, 2011 - "Update on the life of an NTBIer entering her 2nd semester..."

I guess I'm kinda copy-catting my roommate Jasmine (thanks for the inspiration mate!), but I wanted to give y'all an update of where I'm at right now and I apologize for those of you who have heard most of this before. :) I appreciate your prayer muchly. School is just about to start up in full swing and I'm very excited to see what God has in store for this semester! Already I can see His hand at work. So let me see if I can summarize what He's been doing over break and give a projection for the semester ahead.

Christmas break was a great time for a lot of reflection and making resolutions for next semester. I learned a lot about how great God is and how much I need Him. And, unfortunately, I would say most of what I learn, I do so the hard way. Very humbling. Once I was home though, I also reflected on the numerous opportunities I had last semester to invest in the people in my circles, and the opportunities to serve, many of which I did not take. This is one of the first things I have resolved to do better with in the coming semester. It was driven home to me as I thought about Philippians 2:3-5 (a familiar and beloved passage), "Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves;do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus..."  The passage goes on and is fantastic, but the point I want to make is that in my effort to be like Christ, a major reason for choosing to study the Bible for two years here at NTBI, I need to be willing to make time to put others first.  I was struck by the numerous ways my Grandpa Virgil has left lasting impressions on all those who knew him. He really made an investment in the lives of those who knew him and the impact was great. Following his example, spending time investing in others and looking for opportunities to serve them, as Christ was the ultimate servant of all, are what I desire to have become part of each of my days while I'm here, even if it comes with a price.

 In the midst of the chaos over break with the holidays and our flash trip to Nebraska, I have also been realizing my desperate need for a quiet personal time with just me and my Lord. I had a really hard time with this last semester and over break I resolved to do better. Well, I am pleased to say that the Lord has already helped me along here. Aside from convicting my roommates of the same, He has also provided the perfect opportunity. My SWP (my "chore", so to speak) here at school was switched to one where I can be completely alone for an hour, three times a week, in a quiet, out of the way spot. I am so thankful for this! God is good and He is a faithful provider.

Speaking of provision, I was able to get my job back with Tee Tee's Place, a before and after school child care program in Jackson where I worked last semester. They hired me back on my condition that I get a raise so that I should be able to come very very close to making my monthly college payments, if not make it. I'm still working some not so great hours, and I will have to stick with them until they are able to hire someone else for them. That's really what I would request prayer for here. Until they hire someone for those hours, I have to work more shifts in order to get enough hours to make my payments. More shifts means less sleep and less time away from my desk. It can be stressful at times, but I thank God for work when so many students are still searching.

 Lastly, in reflecting over the loss of the loved ones in my family who passed away over break, my Grandpa Virgil and my Great Aunt Birdeen, I am resolved that I need to have a deeper love for God.  Birdeen was known for her love for God, and I can often forget the depths of the incredible love He has shown me when I get caught up in a hectic schedule and all the hub-bub of living in a dorm of 13 girls (most dorms have 4-6 girls. we're special). :) I know that when I am confident in His love, and my love for Him, I am so able to be the faithful servant, the content employee, and the devoted daughter of the King (not just my dad) that He desires, and I desire, of me.

Thank you all so much for your prayers and encouragement! The longer I'm here, the more I realize just how valuable y'all are to me and how important your influence has been in my life. We serve an amazing God and I am thrilled to be witnessing His handy-work so evidently right now.

May my time here at school shout like the Angels did, "glory to God in the highest!"


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