June 2, 2011 - "May update... in June"

          I was thinking the other day about school and all that's gone on in the last month and realized I never wrote my last update - and May probably had the most going on! (or at least it felt that way) I'll try and get things back up to date and then I probably won't post an update until it's close to time to head back to school.
            Well, first, I was able to get off for the last 3 weeks of work so I could come home and stay home for the summer rather than heading back up to work in Jackson till June 16th. I am so grateful for this! I really didn't expect it to work out, but God is consistently greater than my expectations and my awesome coworkers pulled through for me. :)
           The last block of classes were excellent and I learned a lot. I really enjoyed the 1 Corinthians class and look forward to getting 2 Corinthians this fall! Bible Basis of Missions was also a good class and it challenged a lot of my preconcieved definitions of missions and all that pertains to it. It was a great class as I think through for myself and pray about whether Missions is what God would have me pursue.
           In the midst of classes I also enjoyed getting to help do a Mother-Daughter event with the youth group girls, which went very well, and getting to talk a few times with a neat missionary family from Papua New Guinea. There were a couple of birthdays in those last couple weeks of school, a bridal shower, school picnic, some dorm celebrations and pictures before the semester ends and the seniors graduate, and lots of packing and cleaning. I wish it didn't fly so fast, but at the same time it certainly is good to be back home.
            As soon as I got home I had a wedding to go to - Congratualtions Austin and Nicole High! - which was a beautiful wedding and great weather that day, then it was DRAMA's 10th anniversary banquet - also a great night (the videos were really great and give a good picture of what DRAMA is. those can be found on their facebook page - "D.R.A.M.A. Ministry"). Then Tuesday was a full day of catching up with friends. I had breakfast, lunch, and dinner all in 3 different places. insane! haha unfortunately, I think I pushed myself a little too far and by that night I was sick as a dog and didn't feel totally human again until Saturday or Sunday, but scrounged up enough energy to go to my little brother's graduation! :) The last little King has left the highschool scene! How crazy... I'm very proud of him though :)
            Now I am getting ready to start my new job. I'll be working at a home in Akron with Friendship Community, a place for people with developmental disabilities. The 4 guys at the home I'll be at are some really nice guys and I'm really looking forward to working there. What a blessing to be able to start work so soon after getting back!
            As I look back over the semester, God has really taught me a lot. I've learned a lot about who He is - and not just from my textbooks, though they certainly taught me a lot. I've had my questions and doubts throughout the semester as to how things would work out, and He's been my answer. I've been blessed with friendships and teachers that have hearts committed to Christ, and their walk with Him has challenged and encouraged me in my walk. My tight schedule has taught me a lot about not just discipline with my time, but diligence in all that I am given to do, doing my best for Him and doing my best so that I may be used by Him all the more for His glory. There was a moment this last block when homework was intense, I wasn't getting much sleep each night, and I knew the only way I was going to make it to Thursday was by God's grace. Thursday was my light at the end of the tunnel because that was when I would start my last block and usually the first night of a block has light homework. And then Thursday came and the amount of homework combined with my other commitments was too much for me to do in one night if I wanted to sleep at all, and my hope for a relaxing weekend suddenly looked grim as well. I confess, I had a rotten attitude. I was really frustrated about that homework load to put it mildly, and I felt justifiably frustrated too for numerous reasons. And then I came across this quote by John Piper that I had tucked in my journal, "If the world makes it hard for you to like them by saying false things about you and you cannot rejoice in God, your light can't shine! You can gut out a few good deeds and you know who gets the glory? You do! but if the miracle would happen that by deep, profound, Spirit-enabled contentment in God through pain, you rejoice - and your love flows from that, in that context - the world's got a problem on their hands to figure that out. And they might just by grace say "God is great"." I think God was kind of smacking me over the head with that one and I realized that I had allowed my frustrations to steal my joy in Christ. And I was not letting my light shine. No matter how justified I was in being frustrated, I have an obligation to Christ to watch my attitude and not let that hinder Him shining through me, and nothing should be allowed steal my ability to rejoice in God. I spent some time getting right not only with God, but was intentional about making things right with those I had shared my frustrations with. I think the words to the song "All in All" mean more to me now than they ever have. God is great.
        Thanks again for all the prayers and encouragement throughout the semester! May His light shine always through you and me :)
- Jessica

"All in All"
You are my strength when I am weak
You are the treasure that I seek
You are my all in all
Seeking You as a precious jewel
Lord, to give up I'd be a fool
You are my all in all

Jesus, Lamb of God
Holy is Your name (repeat)

Taking my sin my cross my shame
Raising again I bless Your name
You are my all in all
When I fall down You pick me up
When I am dry You fill my cup
You are my all in all


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